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Green Schools Program

Helping The Community

This is an environmental program that was designed as a means of conserving our environment with particular emphasis to schools and the communities around them. This program has among its components, issues that address health, water and sanitation, environmental awareness, tree planting with particular emphasis to multipurpose trees and species especially fruit trees for nutrition in schools.

We have set a central tree nursery within the school compound. We intend to grow different fruit trees, over 10,000 trees for shades, firewood and ornamental purposes. Previously we have managed to conduct awareness in the communities and the local schools.

We target 40 schools on the island for a start with an average of 300 children. Each school at least plants 100 fruit trees and 100 shade trees.

Green Schools Program: What We Do


To provide generations of children and teachers with healthy nutrition options & environmental education opportunities

· To enable children to enjoy healthy diets & to create a healthy eating culture within primary schools.

· To pass on environmental education that will protect our environment.

· To provide good learning environments for children

Green Schools Program: About Us

Purpose & Importance

There are many primary and secondary schools in Rusinga Island that would benefit from this program. They would have suitable places to study from the shade trees and would rely less on firewood for food due to the abundance of fruit they can use from the trees.

The program would not only save them money - from not having to spend up to 30% of their budget on firewood - but the students will benefit from the nutritious fruit.

This project will encourage more children to taste and enjoy more fruit and vegetables and thereby reap the long-term benefits of consuming at least five portions a day recommended for good health as both children and adults.

Tree planting is also a practical way of introducing and integrating Environmental Education in schools. Schools in different parts of the island can also be mobilized and trained fairly quickly, with minimal logistical/administrative cost implications.

The most appropriate and sustainable solution is to support and encourage schools to establish their own tree woodlots with emphasis on diversity in tree species, with a view to achieving self-sufficiency in firewood supply, improve on nutrition and make schools livable places adequate for study meanwhile make the difference in reversing environmental degradation in the island.

Green Schools Program: Who We Are


Below are the different activities that will take place as part of this program.

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Fruit & Shades Tree Planting

This will involve teachers, parents & pupils. Fruit Tree species will range from Mangoes, Avocadoes, and Jackfruits, Pawpaw, Passion fruits, Oranges and Guavas. Children shall be taught how to raise trees and fruits and they shall be expected to do this at their respective homes & to teach their parents so that the impacts of the program will be multiplied.

Demonstrations on Nursery Tree Establishments

Children will be taught how to raise tree nurseries, care for trees and also simple techniques of breeding such as grafting plants for better quality breeds.


Environment Awareness

This will help pupils learn about nutritional values from fruits, the value of planting trees and how to care for them in a sustainable manner. The need for environmental conservation shall be emphasized.

Monitoring & Evaluation

Success of this project partly relies on efficient monitoring. Fruit trees planted shall be monitored by the organization to ensure that they are growing well and are managed as earlier agreed up on.

Green Schools Program: Programs

Benefit #1

At these schools, the orchards will serve many purposes; as outdoor classrooms (we expect the orchards to last for decades, giving children the opportunity to receive environmental education that would not otherwise be available to them).

Benefit #2

When the trees start fruiting, children will gain nutritional values from the fruits the harvest to local food banks. Besides the harvest will benefit the hungry, poor, and needy people living in the school communities.

Benefit #3

Apart from getting fruits, these fruit trees can provide shades, add beauty to the school and also provide a source of income to the schools in times of excess fruiting.

Benefit #4

Children will be taught how to propagate seedlings and thus will be expected each to plant a fruit of their own choice at home and to encourage their parents and guardians to follow suit.

Benefit #5

Increased income as a result of nurseries being established and sell of seedlings together with less spending in homes on malnutrition sicknesses.

Benefit #6

The environment shall be conserved in the long run.

Green Schools Program: List

Volunteer Duties

  • Seed harvesting

  • Making seedbeds

  • Pruning

  • Making tubes

  • Sowing seeds

  • Propagating fruit trees

  • Planting, cultivating, watering, manuring, pruning, bracing,

  • Planting seedlings in a nursery

  • Grafting

  • Site clearing has been done

  • Watering on regular basis

  • Weeding

  • Nursery cleanliness

  • Pests and diseases control

  • Record keeping

  • Safe keeping of nursery equipment, seeds and other facilities

Green Schools Program: Quote

+254 722 929468

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